- 看病可以用的英文(資料來源:大衛美語)
What medicines do you take? 你吃甚麼藥?
Do you take any vitamins/supplements/herbs? 你有沒吃 維他命/其他補品/草藥?
Do you have any allergies to medicines/food/other things? 你對 藥品/食物/其他東西 有沒有過敏?
What happens? 甚麼反應?
Did you have rashes? 出疹嗎?
Did you have trouble breathing? 呼吸困難嗎?
What antibiotics have you taken? 你吃過那一種抗生素?
Have you had penicillin? 你吃過盤尼西林嗎?
Have you ever had a blood transfusion/anesthesias ? 你有沒有 輸過血/打麻醉針?
Did it produce a reaction? 有沒有反應?
fever 發燒
sweat 出汗
chills 發冷
fatigue 疲勞
weight change 體重改變
headache 頭痛
earache 耳朵痛
faint 暈倒
nosebleed 流鼻血
runny nose 流鼻水
stuffy nose 鼻塞
sinus problem 鼻竇問題
sore throat 喉嚨痛 <— 注意,喉嚨痛的痛要用 sore,不是用 pain
cough 咳嗽