


第37輯 第14課 It's a real page-turner.
愛看武俠小說的人總被峰迴路轉的劇情吸引,一口氣把它看完, 像這樣非常好看的書,可以說:It´s a real page-turner.(這真是一本引人入勝的書)。如果內容精采得非看不可,可以說:It´s a must-read book,好看得令你愛不釋手,則可說:I couldn´t put it down.(我捨不得把它放下來),另外,口氣坐下來把它從頭看到尾,可以說:I read it cover to cover in one sitting。
Gordon: You´re reading that fast.
戈登: 你看得這麼快。
Lisa: Oh yes. It´s a real page-turner. (Turning pages fast)
莉莎: 對,這真是引人入勝的書。(書翻得很快)
Gordon: If it´s that good I must get a copy. I love an interesting book.
戈登: 如果這麼好看,我一定也要一本,我愛看有趣的書。
Lisa: Don´t bother, I just reading it fast because it´s so bad. Anyway, they just made a movie out of it. Want to go and see it?
莉莎: 別麻煩了,我看得這麼快是因為它很難看。他們剛把它拍成電影,要去看嗎?
Gordon: Yeah.
莉莎拿起一本書來看,覺得乏味,隨便翻了翻說:It´s a real page-turner。這當然是反話。
Page-turner是指精采得令你不由自主一頁一頁翻著看,直到看完為止的書籍,形容詞是page-turning,例如:(1) I never expected the book to be such a page-turner. I could not put it down till I reached the end.(我想不到這本書那麼好看。我看到最後一頁才捨得放下來)。(2) The page-turning story of the novel is a tribute to the writer´s imagination.(小說情節引人入勝,足見作者想像力多麼豐富)。
像莉莎那樣隨隨便便把書由頭到尾翻一遍,英文叫做to page / leaf / thumb through a book,例如:He paged / leafed through the glossy magazine, looking only at the pictures.(他拿起那本彩色雜誌隨便翻閱一遍,只看圖片)。假如是匆匆看一遍,則多說to flip / flick through a book,例如:He flipped through the book, but did not find what he was looking for.(他匆匆翻閱了那本書一遍,但找不到要找的內容)。A well-thumbed book就是一本經常翻閱、殘舊不堪的書。Thumb是「拇指」,作動詞,有「用指頭翻書」含義。
說到翻書,有一句成語值得談談:to turn over a new leaf。所謂「翻過新的一頁」,是指日記簿上的一頁,一般有「改過自新」的意思,例如:After coming out of prison, he seems to have turned over a new leaf.(他出獄後,似乎洗心革面了)。





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