


第7輯 第7課 I'm afraid there isn't much time left for further discussion today.
曾經看過一本企業書說絕對要避免馬拉松式的會議,長度最好維 持在一個小時。如果時間差不多到,這時候就應該有人站起來說:"I´m afraid there isn´t much time left for further discussion today."「今天恐怕沒有多餘的時間繼續討論了。」現代人生活緊張,實在花不起太多時間跟人家沒完沒了,在必須停的時候就該叫停。 I´m afraid there isn´t much time left.「恐怕時間所剩不多了。」或者你也可以說:I´m afraid we´ve run out of time."意思是一樣的。此外,還有一句非常通用的口語:"Time´s up. " "Time is up."表示「時間到了。」
A:What are some of the problems we may face?
B:Well, as for tariffs, we found out that our products would not be liable for duty.
A:What about shipping facilities?
B:That can be a problem. There are very few direct sailings. Well, I´m fraid there isn´t much time left for further discussion today. So may I suggest we discuss this at the next meeting?
I´m afraid there isn´t much time left是說「恐怕沒多少時間了」。那left一字的用法值得注意。
Left是leave的過去分詞(past participle,即完成式動詞),意思是「餘下」。Nothing was left for me to do即「沒有事情需要我做了」。這樣的說話,往往會用there be(包括is, was等be的變體)句式表達,例如:There was nothing (that was) left for me to do。括弧裡的字,一般會隱去;left的主詞是隱去的關係代名語(relative pronoun) that,不是nothing。
I´m afraid there isn´t much time (that is) left for further discussion. 一語,就是用上述句式,要不用當然也可以:I´m afraid not much time is left for further discussion.
除了there be,left還往往用於have (not) got句式,例如Little money is left for drinks.(幾乎沒有多餘的錢買飲料了)一語,可改寫如下:We have got little money (that is ) left for drinks.To have little money是「幾乎沒有錢」,to have a little money則怎樣?按a little比little多一些,quite a little又比a little為多,有「不少」的意思。To have quite a little money. 是「頗有錢」,to have a little money是「有些錢」,to have little money則是「幾乎沒有錢」。用於可數名詞的few字也是一樣:to have few direct sailings是「直航班次甚少」,to have a few / quite a few direct sailings 則是「有幾班 / 多班直航船」。





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