第9輯 第14課 What would you do if you were me? |
相信每一個人都有「啞巴吃黃蓮,有苦說不清。」的經驗。其實有很多事情真的很難用語言來解釋清楚,所以希望朋友能夠將心比心來體諒我們,英文叫:"What would you do if you were me?"「如果你是我的話你會怎麼做呢?」 沒想到「將心比心」也會被翻譯成英文,除了"What would you do if you were me?"之外,還有其他幾個說法,你也可以說:"What would you do if you were in my shoes?"「如果你站在我的立場,你會怎麼做呢?」或者是:"What would you do if you were in my position?"或者是"What would you do if you were in my situation?"「如果你遇到相同情況,你會怎麼做呢?」 |
對話 A:I can´t put up with this anymore. 甲:我再也不能容忍了。 B:What´s happened? Was John drunk again? 乙:發生甚麼事呀?約翰又飲醉酒嗎? A:Yes, he got back at almost four this morning. What would you do if you were me? 甲:嗯,他今晨四時才回來。如果你是我,你會怎麼做? B:I´d lock the door and sleep. 乙:我會把門鎖上和倒頭大睡。 A:Well, I knocked him out. 甲:嗯,我把他揍了一頓。 |
假如子句 今天要談假如子句(if-clause)的三種句式。 第一種是「If + 現在式動詞(present tense) + will」,說現在或未來可能發生的事,例如:If he knows, he will tell me.(假如他知道,就會告訴我。)換言之,他可能知道,也可能不知道。 第二種是「If +過去式動詞 (past tense) + would」,說現在或未來不可能或不會發生的事,例如:If he knew / If he were here, he would tell me.(萬一他知道 / 假如他在這裡,他就會告訴我。)這一句表示「他不可能知道」、「他目前不在這裡」。留意這種if子句的I, she, he, it之後用were,用was雖然也可以,但不是正式用法。 第三種是「If +過去完成式動詞 (past perfect tense) + would have」,說過去未有發生、純粹假設的情況,例如:If he had known, he would have told me.(假如他當時知道,就會告訴我。)換言之,他當時不知道,自然沒有告訴我。 甲女士恨丈夫今早四點鐘才醉醺醺回家,問乙女士:What would you do if you were in my shoes?(你是我的話,以後會怎麼辦?)這是商量日後治夫大計。假如她要問「你是我的話,今早會怎麼辦?」那是說過去的假設情況,應用第三種句 式:What would you have done if you had been in my shoes?乙女士可以回答說:I would have thrown a bucket of cold water on him.(我會拿起一桶冷水潑到他身上。) |