第5輯 第4課 We'll let you know as soon as we come to a decision. |
在失業率持續高升的情況下,相信很多人都有求職的經驗,那你一定會聽到這句話: "We´ll let you know as soon as we come to a decision."「我們一有決定,馬上通知你。」通常這句話不會出現在兩個平等地位中的對話。為甚麼呢?因為通常是求職、應徵,甚至是你想銷售貨物 時,但是對方並不想馬上作出決定,希望能夠拖延一些時間,他就會告訴你:"We´ll let you know as soon as we come to a decision." 而你就只能被動地回去等候消息了。 |
對話 A:The examination is over now. Thank you all for coming. 甲:考試已經完畢,謝謝你們來參加。 B:How soon will we know the results? 乙:我們最快可在甚麼時候知道結果﹖ A:We´ll let you know as soon as we come to a decision. 甲:我們決定以後,會盡快通知你們。 B:Do you have any idea how many people will be accepted? 乙:你知道會錄用多少人嗎﹖ A:Yes, one for the editing staff and three for the sales department. 甲:有的,一名編輯部,三名營業部。 這個時候老闆可能會告訴你:"We´ll let you know as soon as we come to a decision." 「我們一有決定,馬上告訴你。」或者他會告訴你:"We´ll inform you once we have decided it."「我們一有決定,馬上通知你。」其實你會覺得有答案跟沒答案並沒有分別。要否則你就要耐心等候,要不然你就繼續努力。 |
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一有決定,即當奉告 求職面試結束時,招聘的一方幾乎總是說:Thanks for coming.(謝謝前來晤談。)然後叫你等待:We´ll let you know once we´ve come to a decision. 有些會說得實在一點:We´ll think it over and will get in touch with you within a week if we decide to offer you the job.(我們須考慮一下,假如決定聘請你,一個星期之內會有通知。)有些則會叫你不要打電話追問:Don´t call us; we´ll call you.(不要打電話來;我們會打給你。) 現在且談談「一有決定,就通知你」的英文說法。那「一……就」可用once來說,例如:(1) Once she starts talking, you can´t stop her.(她一開口,你就休想叫她停下來。) (2) Once he is satisfied that you are competent, he will offer you the job.(只要他相信你的確能幹,就會聘請你。) 留意以once開始的子句 (clause),主詞 (subject) 之後假如用be字(包括is、was等be的變體),那麼主詞和be字一般可以略去,例如:Once satisfied that you are competent, he will offer you the job. 不過,假如另一子句的主詞和once子句的主詞不同,則不可用上述省略法。請看以下一句:Once he is satisfied that you are competent, you will be offered the job. 這裡 once子句的主詞是he、其後子句的主詞則是you,所以he is兩字就不可略去。 |
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