
 Selected World Famous Sayings 



道德與修養3 Marals and Cutluivation


021 Comparisons are odious. ~Proverb

  人比人,氣死人。 ~諺語

022 Concession is no humiliation; nor admission of error any disgrace.

Greek Proverb

讓步非恥;認錯亦非辱。 ~希臘諺語

023 Conscience doth make cowards of us all. ~William Shakespeare

  良知使我們都變成了懦夫。 ~莎士比亞

024 Crooked by nature is never made straight by education.

  ~Socrates469399 B.C., Greed philosopher

  江山易改,本性難移。 ~蘇格拉底(西元前469399,希臘哲學家)

025 Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body.

  ~Cicero10643 B.C., Roman statesman, orator and essayist


  ~西塞羅(10643 B.C., 羅馬政治家、演說家及散文家)

026 Curiosity killed the cat. ~Western proverb

  好奇惹禍。 ~西方諺語

027 Custom is a second nature. ~Western proverb

  習慣成自然。 ~西方諺語

028 Difficulties strengthen the minds, as labor does the body.

  ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca5 B.C.?65A.D., Roman statesman and philosopher



 029 Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.

  ~Arthur Schopenhauer1788-1860, German philosopher


  ~叔本華(17881860, 德國哲學家)

030 Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory. ~Western Proverb

  時時刻刻抵抗誘惑,就是一種勝利。 ~西方諺語




 資料來源:世界名言學英語《勵志篇》Selected World Famous Sayins 陳榮吉◎編譯

                               (出版社:寂天文化事業有限公司 ISBN 957-8202-29-6)


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