Selected World Famous Sayings
道德與修養2 Marals and Cutluivation2
011 A place for everything, and everything in its place. ~Western Proverb
凡事包容,萬物各得其所。 ~西方諺語
012 As a man makes his bed so must he lie. ~Western Proverb
自做自受。 ~西方諺語
013 As you are old and reverend, you should be wise. ~William Shakespeare
(1564-1661, English poet and dramatist)
當你年長又受尊敬,就應該聰明一點。 ~莎士比亞(1564-1661,英國詩
014 As you sow, so shall you reap. ~English Proverb
種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。 ~英國諺語
015 A watched pot never boils. ~Western Proverb
心急水不沸。 ~西方諺語
016 Barking dogs seldom bite. ~Proverb
會叫的狗不會咬人。 ~諺語
017 Change of scene is not change of nature.
~Aesop(620 ?-560 ? B.C., Greek fabulist)
江山易改,本性難移。 ~伊索(西元前620 ? -560?,希臘寓言作家)
018 Character is destiny. ~Heraclitus(5 centruies B.C., Greek philosopher)
個性即命運。 ~赫拉克利圖斯(紀元前五世紀,希臘哲學家)
019 Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success.
~John Hays Hammond(1888-1965, American electrical engineer and
品格是成功的真正基礎。 ~漢孟(1888 – 1965, 美國電機工程師及發明家)
020 Character must be kept bright as well as clean.
~Philip Chesterfield(1694-1773, English stateman and writer)
品行必須保持光輝無暇。~柴斯特菲爾德(1694-1773, 英國政治家及作家)
資料來源:讀世界名言學英語《勵志篇》Selected World Famous Sayins 陳榮吉◎編譯
(出版社:寂天文化事業有限公司 ISBN 957-8202-29-6)