
 Selected World Famous Sayings 



道德與修養4 Marals and Cutluivation


031 Faults cannot be completely avoided even by a virtuous man; yet because of his

ability to reform does not prevent him from being a virtuous man.

Wang Su-Jen14721528, Chinese philosopher


~王守仁(14721528, 中國哲學家)

 032 Fire proves gold; adversity proves men. ~Seneca

  火試煉真金;逆境考驗人品。 ~塞尼加

 033 Forgive and forget. ~Western Proverb


034 Forgive others whenever you can. ~Chinese Saying

  得饒人處且饒人。 ~中國俗諺

035 Give a dog a bad name and hang him. ~Western Proverb

  一旦蒙上惡名,此生永不翻身。 ~西方諺語

036 God’s justice is inescapable. ~Proverb

  天網恢恢,疏而不漏。 ~諺語

037 Good mind, good find. ~Chinese Saying

  好心有好報。 ~中國俗諺

038 Good shall be rewarded as evil shall be punished. ~Chinese Saying

  善有善報,惡有惡報。 ~中國俗諺

039 Good temper is like a sunny day; it sheds its brightness everywhere.

  ~Philip Sidney 15541586, English poet and statesman


  ~西德尼(15541586, 英國詩人與政治家)

040 Grasp all, lose all.

  ~William James 18421910, American psychologist and philosopher

  貪多必失。 ~威廉‧詹姆士(18421910, 美國心理學家及哲學家)




 資料來源:世界名言學英語《勵志篇》Selected World Famous Sayins 陳榮吉◎編譯

                               (出版社:寂天文化事業有限公司 ISBN 957-8202-29-6)


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