第7輯 第13課 Could you put that in more specific terms? |
中國人說先禮後兵,先小人後君子。如果你在跟你的合作廠商甚 至你的老闆談訂合約的時候,切記要看清楚。如果看到條款意思含糊,模棱兩可的話,你應該跟他說:“Could you put that in more specific terms?"「你可以把這個條款寫得具體一點嗎?」有些人說起話來喜歡話中有話,讓你聽起話來像霧裡看花。這個時候你可以問問他:“Could you be more specific?"「請問你講話可以具體一點嗎?」或者你也可以問他:“What exactly do you mean?"「你到底是甚麼意思呢?」基於某些特定的原因,醫生都不能跟他的病人說實話。例如你到牙醫院去希望做點整型矯正手術,但是醫生一直不願意說要 拔掉你的幾顆牙齒。這時候你可以單刀直入問他:“Doctor, to be more specific, how many teeth will you pull out?"「醫生呀,具體來說到底你要拔掉我幾顆牙呢?」 |
對話 A: We´d like to know what your plant is technically capable of. 甲:我們想知道,貴工廠在技術上可以做到些甚麼呢﹖ B:Could you put that in more specific terms? 乙:你可不可以說得具體一點呢﹖ A:Certainly. What´s your monthly production, and quality control system? 甲:當然可以。你們工廠每個月的生產量和品質管理系統是怎樣? B:I see. Our production manager can answer those queries for you. I´ll go and get him. 乙:我明白了。我會去請我們的生產部經理回答你的問題。 |
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說得具體一點 Could you put that in more specific terms?(你可不可以說得具體一點呢?)這一句,有兩個字值得注意。 第一個是那簡單的put字。Put這裡不解作「放在」,而是「表達」的意思。所以,稱許別人措辭明白、得宜等,可以說:That is very well put.;「換言之」,是to put it (in) another way。To put it simply, he is an idiot. 即「簡而言之,他是個笨蛋。」;"Women are poets by just being women." as Jose Marti puts it即「正如馬蒂說,『女人只要不失女人的本質,就是詩人了』」。 第二個字是term。這個term指「字眼」,例如 a medical term是「醫學用語」。Term字常見於in...terms或in terms of...的說法,意思是「以……的字眼」,例如:He spoke of his children in very affectionate terms/in terms of great affection.(他非常慈愛的談到兒女。)引伸其義,in terms of可解作「就……而言」,例如:In terms of monthly production, our plant is doing very well.(就每月生產量而言,我們的工廠表現出色。) 假如你發覺自己的說話,人家不明白或誤解了,可以說:Let me clarify that(我須澄清這一點)、Let me rephrase that(我改用另一說法吧)等,例如:"What is your plant technically capable of?"(你們工廠技術上能做甚麼?)"Do you mean what we are technically capable of manufacturing?"(你是不是問我們技術上可以製造甚麼?)"No, let me rephrase that. What is your monthly production?"(不是,我改個說法吧。你們每月生產量是多少?) |
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