
 Selected World Famous Sayings 


  •        道德與修養1 Marals and Cutluivation

001 A bad penny always comes back. Proverb

  惡有惡報。 ~諺語

  (相近諺語:Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. 種什麼因,得什麼果。)

002 A clear conscience is a soft pillow. Proverb

  平生不做虧心事,夜半敲門心不驚。 ~諺語

003 A cock is bold on his own dunghill.  ~Proverb

  小人得志。/狗仗人勢。 ~諺語

004 Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it. ~Proverb

  逆境顯露天才,順境埋沒天才。 ~西方諺語

005 A good medicine tastes bitter. ~Proverb

  良藥苦口。 ~諺語

006 A guilty conscience needs no accuser. ~Proverb

  多行不義必自斃。 ~諺語

007 A leopard cannot change his spots. ~Proverb

  江山易改,本性難移。 ~諺語

008 A man can not keep the same views all his life. ~Leonid Kravchuk

  (Ukrainian President

  人的觀念無法終生保持不變。 ~克拉夫秋克(烏克蘭總統)

009 A man with noble ideals or a humane man never gives up humanity to save his

life, but may sacrifice his life to gain humanity. ~Confucius551-479 B.C.,  

Chinese great thinder and educator

志士仁人,無求生以害仁,有殺生成仁。 ~孔子(西元前551-479,中國


010 Anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance. ~Thomas Decker15721632,

  English dramatist

  憤怒起於愚昧,終於悔恨。 ~達寇(15721632, 英國劇作家)



 資料來源:世界名言學英語《勵志篇》Selected World Famous Sayins 陳榮吉◎編譯

                               (出版社:寂天文化事業有限公司 ISBN 957-8202-29-6)


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